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How to Incorporate Mobility Into Your Busy Life

How to Incorporate Mobility Into Your Busy Life

What separates people in life is down to what they do each day.

You can spin it whatever way you want, but this is the reality:

You behave your way to success or failure, one day at a time.

If you can’t gain control over your habits and align them with the outcomes you want in life, it’s not going to happen.

You already have habits. Everyone does.

But if you aren’t where you want to be with your body, mindset or life, then you just haven’t consciously chosen your habits.

Now it’s time to choose.

We Are All Busy 

We have all dropped off before. We all live busy lives.

I wlil show you 3 strategies you can use to help you ingrain the habit of working on your mobility.

So that no matter what happens, you can still prioritise your Physical Freedom. As it’s your vehicle for life.

I’ve had client who were managers in big corporate companies, while also being a father/mother.

It’s possible to prioritise your Physical Freedom and incorportate it into any lifestyle if you know how.

The Physical Freedom Program is less than 2% of your week.

The time is there, you just don’t have the strategies to know how to incorporate it into your life. 

Building Better Habits

1) The ‘Just Do Something’ Rule
This is an effective strategy that helps us overcome the feeling of a task being daunting & overwhelming.
When we perceive something to be a lot of effort, it increases the friction between us doing the task.
If you aren’t motivated to do your mobility on a certain day, just make a commitment to do the bare minimum:
– the first exercise
– the first 5 mins
After that if you want to stop, you can. It’s not a trick!

Those 5 mins will still add up massively over time like a pension in the mobility bank. That’s the beauty of the power of small gains!

2) The Backup Day

Pick a day during the week where you have free time.

Maybe a Saturday/Sunday or else dead time. (when you are forced to sit around)

Pick 30-60 mins on this day as a slot where you can catch up on the exercises you missed during the week.

This helps you avoid the ‘all or nothing’ mindset that cripples most people. Once the inevitable week comes where you don’t get everything done that you planned to.

Navy Seals will have a contingency plan. So why wouldn’t you? If you want to operate at high levels of physical & mental performance, you should learn from those who strive for it.

Navy Seals operations don’t always go to plan, and neither will yours. But with a backup plan, you can always move forward.

3) Habit Stacking

This is where you stack a new habit onto an already existing habit. (e.g. mobility routine as the kettle boils)

No doubt you drinkn tea/coffee, so you will boil the kettle many times per day, EVERY day.

If you stack your mobility onto an existing habit you do everyday, now you will do your mobility everyday.

Another option is to do the mobility during work hours. Now you are getting paid to improve your mobility!

I used this strategy in my old 9-5 jobs.

Your work output doesn’t have to suffer from this either.

This will force you to be more productive with your actual hours spent working. To cut the fluff and be more effective & efficient.

Use Habits or Let Them Use You

We all have habits. Whether you realise it or not.

They are the behaviours happening under the radar every day.

Habits can propel or derail your life. 

They will either move you closer towards your goals, or further away from them.

It’s all down to how you use them.

Start implementing some of the strategies discussed here, and you will start to behave your way towards a life with more Physical Freedom.

Even while living a busy life.

Don’t Settle,

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
  1. Physical Freedom Program
    (Overcome chronic pain & injury.
    Reach your athletic potential)
  2. Mental Freedom Course
    (Stop looping & suffering.
    Skillfully navigate your own mind)
  3. Lifestyle Design University
    (Avoid the biggest regret of humanity.
    Design the life true to yourself)

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You don't get what you deserve.

You get what you settle for.

If you don't want to settle for anything less than your Physical Freedom, click the link below