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Lifestyle Design University

Avoid the Biggest Regret of Humanity
Design the Life True to Yourself

“I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me” – Top 5 Regret’s of the Dying 

Bronnie Ware worked in palliative care. Her patients were those who were sent home to die. Bronnie cared for the dying patients in the last 3-12 weeks of their life. 

Duing their final few weeks, she explains how each patient evolved.
Facing their own morality forced them to gain clarity on what was really important in life. 

When Bronnie asked if they have any regrets, the same themes surfaced again and again.

She compiled a list of these top 5 regrets and made it into a book. To pass on the wisdom of the dying, and save us from making the same mistakes in our own lives while we can.

The top 5 regret’s of the dying are:

If you are:

 – Living the life your parent’s /society want you to, instead of the one in your heart
 – Being forced down a life path you don’t want, instead of forging your own
 – Slaving away building someone else’s vision, instead of being the change you want to see in the world
 – Dreading every Monday and not excited about the future ahead of you

Then you are heading for the same fate as  Bronnie’s patients. The same fate as most of the world: Dying with regret.

But the truth in life is you get what you settle for.

If you don’t settle, you can design the life true to yourself in time.

This is what we do in the Lifestyle Design University. 

In the Lifestyle Design UniversiTY, I will teach you how to:

  • Design the life you want, not the one society/your parents chose
  • Follow your own path, instead of being forced down someone else’s
  • Live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you
  • Build your own vision and be the change you want to see in the world, instead of building someone else’s
  • Monetise your passions/build your net worth. Gain financial & location freedom. Live life on your terms

The Lifestyle Design University includes:

1) Education
– Education Hub: You get access to the Lifestyle Design University education hub. The hub is split into 3 pillars. You will see some of the module title’s further down this page.
– Downloadable Resources: There are resources to download in different modules of the hub. For example the life planners in the ‘personal’ section of pillar 2 (Self-Development: Become Who You Are). These quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily planners give crystal clarity & structure to your days. By utilising the planners, you can move forward at peace. Knowing that you are closing the gap towards the life true to you each day. 

2) Group Coaching
– Cadence: We have a group zoom call every 4 weeks where I teach the next relevant education module in detail.
Learning to Life: After going through the module, I will bring your learning to life by working through real life examples. We will bring the theory down to practical application in your life. There is open communication to ask questions at any time. If you need me to go deeper on some topic, that’s what these live sessions are for.
– Group Dynamics: Everyone who is in the Lifestyle Design University is welcome to join the monthly call. You may be on different specific paths, but you are all working towards the same overall goal: designing the life true to you. You will see how the same 3 pillars of lifestyle design apply to all paths, and you will learn more by seeing other’s walk theirs. We will all learn, grow, support & encourage each other, and march forward together. 

3) Support 

– Live Sessions: You have support from me in the group zoom calls.
– Safe Space: You can bring all questions to the sessions. It’s a safe space where we can be vulnerable, learn & grow together. There is no time limit. I give you all the support you need on the calls.
– Overcoming Limitations: Any module you are unsure of, or any life situation you are struggling with, bring it to the live session and I will work through it with you. You will have access to the recorded live sessions along with the education hub forever. To facilitate your ongoing learning.

4) Accoutability
 – Success:
Accountability is proven to create a much higher success rate in all areas of life. No person is an island. I didn’t do any of this alone, and you won’t either. I will hold you accountable to designing the life true to yourself.
– Align Your Values: If you value something, you put your time, energy & money towards it. I spent 10k on partying before but I wasn’t living the life I wanted. Once I valued designing the life true to myself more than anything, I committed to putting my time, energy & money towards it.
– Invest In Yourself: I have spent 35k & counting on coaches in the last 6 years across body, mindset & life. Now I have the results I only dreamed of back then. Invest in your rise, not your demise. Align your values and invest in areas of your life you want to improve, instead of continuing to fuel the old ones that hold you back. Realising this changed my life, and it will change yours too.

The 3 Pillars:

1) Vision (Start at the End)

2) Self-Development (Become Who You Are)

3) Levers to Freedom (Vision to Reality)

WE LIVE IN THE MOST OPPORTUNISTIC TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. It's 100% possible to design the life true to yourself.

It's already been done by so many people, and it will be done by many more. Whether you are one of those people, is up to you. Just like it always has been. Hope & wishful thinking won't get you there. Clarity, an actionable blueprint to follow, and a coach to guide you will.

I’ll see you on the inside

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You don't get what you deserve.

You get what you settle for.

If you don't want to settle for anything less than the life true to yourself, click the link below

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