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Mental Freedom Course

Stop Looping & Suffering
Skillfully Navigate Your Own Mind

“Without self knowledge, without understanding the working functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and will always remain a slave” – George Gurdjieff (Seeker of Truth)

Are you tired of settling for:

  • Not being your true self?
  •  Ongoing issues plaguing you all your life?
  •  Being held back from the person you want to be?
  •  Being held back from the things you want to do?
  •  Suffering with anxiety & depression even after going to therapy and the main healthcare routes?
  •  Reading stoic quotes but still repeating the same undesirable patterns when it actually matters?
  •  Conflicting beliefs & emotions that never give you peace. Always anxious and worrying. Never sure of yourself?
  •  Unable to get over an ex, no matter what you do?
  •  Unable to move forward in your life across career, training & relationships?

Then you are a slave to your subconscious. You have no Mental Freedom.

But if you don’t settle, you can gain Mental Freedom and change your life forever.

When you learn how to gain deeper self-awareness, you can start to take back control and become:

The skillful swordsman of your own psyche.
The mechanic of your own mind.
The driver of your own destiny.

In the mental freedom course, I will guide you towards:

  • Gaining deeper self-awareness than you ever thought possible. Learn why you are the way you are. Why you act the way you act
  • Understanding your emotions in great depth. And what your emotions are actually teaching you about yourself
  • Attaining the keys to become who you always knew you could be. To access the parts of yourself that you hesitate to be.
  • Gaining the tools to skillfully navigate any life situation going forward: from personal & relationships, to career & life!
  • Living your life with more empowerment than ever before

The journey from imprisoned to empowered starts by understanding the base of beliefs running your life like a puppet master.

The Mental Freedom Course includes:

1) Education

- Education Hub: You will get access to the Mental Freedom education hub. The hub is split into 3 pillars. You will see some of the module title's further down this page.
- Study Vs Practice: Study helps you 'develop' the skill. (skill development). Practice helps you utilise the skill in the real world (skill utilisation). Your 'study' will be done through the education modules. Your 'practice' arena is the real-world interactions you have with people every day, which is the cool part. Now you learn & grow deeper self-awareness from every interaction. The live sessions are a combination of study & practice.
- Skillfull Swordsman: How skilled would the swordsman be if he just did the 'study', but not the 'practice'? If he learned all the techniques, but then never utilised them and had the chance to sharpen these techniques in real-life situations? Never getting the chance to learn the feedback life is giving him on what works & what doesn't? Highlighting his own weak points to work on? He would get struck down in his first duel. And this is what happens to us in career situations, in relationship blow-ups, in many areas of life. When it doesn't have to be that way. We can learn how to do the appropriate study & practice. We can become the skillfull swordsman of our own mind.

2) Group Coaching

- Cadence: Group zoom call every 2 weeks where I teach the next relevant education module in detail.
- Learning to Life: After going through the module, I will bring your learning to life by working through real life examples. We will bring the theory down to practical application in your life. There is open communication to ask questions at any time. If you need me to go deeper on some topic, that's what these live sessions are for.
- Group Dynamics: There are 3-5 clients maximum per group. Groups are kept small so that you will get the most out of the course. Your path through the course may be slightly different to someone else's, and that's ok. I will assign you the relevant modules based on the specific issue you are working on.

3) Support

- Live Sessions: You have support from me every 2 weeks in the group zoom calls.
- Safe Space: You can bring all questions to the sessions. It's a safe space where we can be vulnerable, learn & grow together. There is no time limit. I give you all the support you need on the calls.
- Overcoming Limitations: Any module you are unsure of, or any life situation you are struggling with, bring it to the live session and I will work through it with you. You will have access to the recorded live sessions along with the education hub forever. To facilitate your ongoing learning.

4) Accountability

- Success: Accountability is proven to create a much higher success rate in all areas of life. No person is an island. I didn’t do any of this alone, and you won’t either. I will hold you accountable to regaining your Mental Freedom.
- Align Your Values: If you value something, you put your time, energy & money towards it. I spent 10k on partying before but I lived behind a mask and couldn't be my true self. Once I valued my Mental Freedom more than anything, I committed to putting my time, energy & money towards it.
- Invest In Yourself: I have spent 35k & counting on coaches in the last 6 years across body, mindset & life. Now I have the results I only dreamed of back then. Invest in your rise, not your demise. Align your values and invest in areas of your life you want to improve, instead of continuing to fuel the old ones that hold you back. Realising this changed my life, and it will change yours too.

The 3 Pillars:

1) Deep Self-Awareness

2) Creating A New Reality

3) Clarity & Cultivation

Client Testimonials

You don't get what you deserve.

You get what you settle for.

If you don't want to settle for anything less than your Mental Freedom, click the link below.

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