Online Coach
I was born in Malahide and lived there until my family moved to Roscommon when I was 6.
Growing up in Roscommon, sport was my life. I played soccer, gaelic, hurling, handball, swimming, you name it! I loved it. Soccer was my main passion and I prioritised this from 16 onwards and left the others behind. I got to Ireland trials level U-16 and played in the Emerging Talent Program in Castlebar for 2 years. I thought I was going to make it as a professional soccer player.
I ultimately didn’t push on any further. I was never selected for the Irish team having been so close for 2 years. I had plans to defer college and go to England for 1 year to give it one last shot. But I settled and gave up on it. I took the easy option and went to college instead.
In my final year of college I didn’t go in, I partied all year instead. I spent 4 nights a week in Coppers. My goal that year was to have as much fun as possible. Because after college, my life is over. I thought I would be a soccer player but I gave up on my dream. Now it was time to face reality: the 9-5 rat race.
I went on a J1 VISA to America at the end of that final year. I had just turned 23 when I arrived home. I had a broken body, I was hiding behind a mask and didn’t like who I was, and I was dreading the life ahead of me in the rat race.
I was also 4k in debt from all the partying. My life was not going the way I thought it would.

I hopped onto the hamster wheel of life and got a 9-5. But this was the pain I needed to make a change.
I had settled for:
- Chronic pain & injury
(Had to give up sports & activities I loved. Lost my Physical Freedom) - Social anxiety & not being my true self
(Lived behind a mask. Imprisoned by my own mind. No Mental Freedom) - Stuck in a 9-5 I had no passion & purpose for
(Building someone else’s vision over my own. No Lifestyle Design blueprint)
But enough was enough.
I can’t live this life anymore.
I won’t settle for this.
I finally committed to building the life true to myself or die trying.
No matter the obstacles.
No matter the outcomes.
This is when I took complete ownership of my life, and started to educate myself.
Starting with how to achieve financial freedom to live life on my terms.
I won’t settle & give up on myself like I did before. It was time to sort my f**king life out
I began my self-development journey as I started in my first 9-5 job.
Skip forward 7 years and I:
- Regained my Physical Freedom and got back to sports I love.
- Attained Mental Freedom and became who I knew I could be.
- Designed the life I wanted by turning my passions into a business.
My purpose since then is to inspire & educate others on the same path.
Those who don’t want to settle for anything less than the life true to themselves.
I quit my Facebook job in 2019 to pursue this full time and never looked back.