Overcome Chronic Pain & Injury
Reach Your Athletic Potential
“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you settle for”
Are you tired of settling for:
Chronic pain & injury affecting your quality of life?
Being held back in activities you like?
Forced to retire from sports you love?
Quick-fix reactive approaches from the healthcare industry with no education or long-term change?
Being filled with regret for giving up on the only body you will ever have?
Worrying if you will be able to play with your kids/grandkids when you are older?
Then you have lost your Physical Freedom.
I get it, I have been there.
But you don’t have to settle for this.
It doesn’t have to be how your story ends.

The Physical Freedom Program includes:
1) Plan
- Program: I split each client's program into a mobility routine (daily) and harder exercises (3 times per week).
- The daily mobility routine is your mobility 'maintenance'. The harder routine is your mobility 'progression'.
- The 'Why':The daily mobility routine is the start of a new proactive approach with your body (brushing your joints just like your teeth). The harder exercises will stress your body to make it adapt in the way that you want (like strength training does).
- Time Commitment: The minimum to get started is 10 mins daily + 30 mins x 3 times per week. (1.5% of your week). I scale the plan from here based on your available time for the program.
2) Training and Education
- The Truth: No program goes 100% to plan. If they did, coaches wouldn’t exist. I will coach & educate you through the process of regaining your Physical Freedom.
- Why You Failed Before: We have the same anatomy, but we all have different injury history/body type/length of limbs/movement strategies/movement limitations. And this needs to be taken into account. This is why the template programs aren't getting you the results you want.
- I didn’t regain my Physical Freedom through a template program, and you won’t either. I got coached through the process according to my individual needs
- The Catalyst: We will have a live zoom call to review & iterate on your program each month. Systematically cutting through every obstacle in your path that was holding you back from the progress you wanted before.
- There is no time limit on the zoom calls, and this is the key to the results you will see in the client testimonial section: the attention to detail for each client's specific needs.
3) Support
- Unlimited 1:1 access to me: I help every client as much or as little as they need.
- Live Calls: Zoom call with me each month to review & iterate on your program.
- Weekly Check-In Form: By answering these specific questions, I will know how to help you overcome any issue holding you back.
- WhatsApp: You have full access to me on WhatsApp for text/voicenotes/sending form videos.
- Training App: Your specific program will be accessible through an easy to use app on your phone. With detailed videos for form & also the 'why' behind each exercise.
- Education Hub: You will have access to the education hub website where you can learn at your own pace. I explain the layout of the education hub further down this page.
4) Accountability
- Success: Accountability is proven to create a much higher success rate in all areas of life. No person is an island. I didn’t do any of this alone, and you won’t either. I will hold you accountable to regaining your Physical Freedom.
- Align Your Values: If you value something, you put your time, energy & money towards it. I spent 10k on partying before and had a broken body. Once I valued my Physical Freedom more than anything, I committed to putting my time, energy & money towards it.
- Invest In Yourself: I have spent 35k & counting on coaches in the last 6 years across body, mindset & life. Now I have the results I only dreamed of back then. Invest in your rise, not your demise. Align your values and invest in areas of your life you want to improve, instead of continuing to fuel the old ones that hold you back. Realising this changed my life, and it will change yours too.

The education hub is split into 3 sections:
Resilient Body
Anti-Fragile Mindset
Authentic Life

Education is key for any long-term change.
I will teach you:
- the fundamental principles of building a resilient body
- the anti-fragile mindset to keep it long-term
- how to incorporate this into your own life
Here are some examples of modules in the education hub.
1) Resilient Body:
– Why you are tight & stiff
– What pain is & how to manage it
– Humans are the most adaptable species
– Mobility, strength & coordination
– Mobility progress vs mobility maintenance
– How to measure progress
2) Anti-Fragile Mindset
– Attitude & approach determines progress
– The difference between motivation, commitment & discipline
– Progress is not always linear
3) Authentic Life
– How to build better habits
– How to manage busy weeks
– How to switch off & fully recharge
The healthcare model does not empower you to look after yourself.
They hand out fish instead of teaching you how to fish.
The end goal of the Physical Freedom Program is empowerment.
I won’t just guide you back to your Physical Freedom.
I will teach you how to fish, so that you can look after your own body long-term.

I have worked with 100's of clients from:
- 37 different sports/activities
- 3 different continents
- 24 separate career paths
- Covering injuries to all joints in the human body
- From the elderly just wanting to walk pain free, up to elite athletes training for the Olympics