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How to Cultivate the Don’t Settle Attitude

How to Cultivate the Don’t Settle Attitude

Settling saves you the uncomfortable pain of failure & rejection in the short term.

That’s why most people settle.

But what they don’t realise, is that you are only setting yourself up to be hit with an avalanche of regret one day. Something much worse.

I’ll never forget the day it happened to me.

Sitting in the airport with an ex. Eating a meal waiting for our flight. I was maybe 24.

I stopped watching soccer when I settled & quit on my own dream of making it one day.

Never realising that part of it was because I couldn’t face what was reflected back at me through the screen: I gave up on myself.

But a soccer match was on in this airport restaurant. Cool, I’ll watch it.

And who do I see on the screen? Daryl Horgan. A lad I used to play with on the Emerging Talent Program in Castlebar for 2 years.

He made it. He’s living my dream.

I couldn’t explain what happened to me at the time. But in hindsight I see that I was forced to face the pain I had buried deep down for a long time.

The pain of settling.

I felt sick and couldn’t eat anymore. I felt overwhelmed. I wanted to go home.

I was ashamed of myself. At the first big roadblock I just gave up on myself and settled. I didn’t even try my best.

I never had regrets walking off the soccer pitch, as I gave my all until the final whistle.

But off the pitch, I couldn’t do the same.

I didn’t make the Ireland team after 2 years on the Emerging Talent Program. So close but yet so far. But I was still only 18 at the time.

Roy Keane didn’t make it early, Jamie Vardy didn’t. So many players missed the first boat to becoming a professional soccer player, but they didn’t settle and made it through other avenues.

Now, after cultivating the don’t settle attitude in my life, I back up my aspirations with my actions.

I don’t settle, I give it my all, and the cards fall as they may.

I am proud of myself regardless of the outcome. The most empowering, meaningful way to live in my experience.

Zero regrets. Zero guilt or shame. With self-respect, passion & purpose in abundance.

But back then I didn’t have this attitude. I was all fluff. Wishful thinking. I said things but didn’t back them up.

I talked about how I would defer my first year of college and move to England. Play in the lower leagues and try to get scouted.

What’s a year out of college anyway? It’ll be there when I get back. At least if I go and give it one full year, I’ll have no regrets then.

This is what I told some people close to me, but I did f**k all about it.

In that moment in the airport where all this past pain was brought up from my subconscious, my ex saw something was wrong and asked was I ok.

“………I’m fine”. I couldn’t say another word or I’d have burst into tears.

Like most men, I hid and buried it as much as I could. And just got on with life.

I wasn’t self-aware, I couldn’t handle my emotions, and I lived in this mental prison.

I guess some people just have what it takes, and I’m not one of them.

The Mental Freedom work changed my life here, and I see it all clearly now.

But when I gave up on my soccer dream back then, the don’t settle attitude I only had on the pitch now vanished completely.

I fell into the victim mentality life.

Victim Mentality

The victim mentality permeates our society.

It’s the default.

Go for your dreams?! Nah. Be realistic.

Have high standards and strive for the life you want? Discard the soul sucking 9-5 life to try and carve your own path of passion & purpose?

Pfff. Go to college. Get a real job.

Take up martial arts after your body is already in bits from trying to be a professional athlete?

Nah man, you crazy?! Your body can’t do that anymore. It’s over. Time to settle.

You know you’ll just be disappointed right?! Better to lower your expectations and fall in line. Who are you to think you can do that anyway?

It’s crabs in a bucket. And the crabs aren’t even aware.

They live the settling life, so they want you to as well. It makes them feel better.

Why should you be afraid of adhering to this settling society?

Because settling destroys your soul.

Settling is the graveyard for dreams and the fertile land for regret.

You become a shadow of who you know you could be.

The only way out is to start cultivating the don’t settle attitude.

The Don’t Settle Attitude 

“You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you settle for”

When I was in my own pain cave, in the height of my victim mentality, I learned life’s biggest lesson.

I thought I was a good person. I try to do the right thing. So why has my life turned out this way?!

Why couldn’t my dreams come true?

Why do I have to retire from sport at 25?! It’s been my whole life. That’s all I cared about.

Wtf am I meant to do now? Take up water polo with the elderly?! And pretend to be happy?

The hope for life I had, the exciting possibilities of the future, they are all gone.

I don’t want the normal life, I don’t fit in. It’s not for me. It never will be.

Why don’t bad things happen to rapists, murderers and terrorists instead?!

I’ve been stuck in these loops like we all have. Where we position ourselves as the victim of our own story that we have made up in our head.

My own physical freedom journey made me face the harsh truth. The one that sparked the don’t settle attitude within me, which has defined the last 8 years of my life.

“You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you settle for.”

That’s it. That’s life explained in one sentence.

It doesn’t matter if you deserve to be forced to retire from chronic pain & injury. What matters is are you going to settle for that?

F**k that, I’m coming back. That was my answer.

I knew that pain of giving up on my soccer career, I learned that one the hard way. I swore I would never make the same mistake again.

At at the second defining moment of my life, I made the right choice. The one I knew I wanted in my heart.

F**k the experts, I don’t want to settle. I’m gona come back or die trying.

This is the attitude you need to have if you want to regain your physical freedom. Or for anything else in life.

There are 3 steps to go from the victimhood mentality to the don’t settle attitude:

1) The Pain Cave
2) Extreme Ownership
3) Becoming the Hero

Let’s dive in.

1) The Pain Cave

For any change to occur, there needs to be a certain level of pain to motivate us to change.

That’s how we are evolutionarily wired:

  • When will you go hunt for food? When you have the pain of starvation
  • When will you change your unsocial behaviour? When the pain of violence/shame/humiliation from your village is too much for you

It’s the same in modern life today:

  • When will you look for a new job? When the pain of dealing with your boss becomes unbearable
  • When will you look for a new partner? When the pain of your current partner (or lonliness from the lack of one) is too much

We think pain is bad, but it’s good. It’s necessary.

Pain is the most potent catalyst to make changes in your life.

The pain cave is where the alchemy happens. Where the transformation starts to take place.

You may have been a different person before your own personal pain cave, but you will not be the same when you emerge.

Look at the before & after for clients in the Physical Freedom Program. Look at the pain they needed to make a change.

Jack always springs to my mind when I talk about this topic.

He went to many physios & consultants after a car accident. Diagnosed with bulging discs, osteoporosis & degenerative disc disease. And it scared the life out of him as everyone told him he was too young to have these issues.

When he couldn’t tie his shoes the day after games or get up to the printer at work, he was forced to settle and retire from Gaelic in his early 20s.

But this pain is what eventually enabled him to take ownership. It was the catalyst.

It ignited the path for Jack to take ownership of his body, and work on regaining physical freedom to get back playing championship football in Kerry.

2) Extreme Ownership

When you make it out of the pain cave, you will have a new realisation:

Everything in your life is down to you.

Instead of:

  • Blaming healthcare practitioners for not ‘fixing’ you
  • Blaming society for you being unhappy
  • Blaming your ex for all your problems

You start to look at the world differently now.

You take ownership of your life.

You take responsibility for your part in every experience.

And you start to realise that this is the route forward to changing your life.

How? Because:

  • Taking ownership -> taking control
  • Taking control -> can make changes
  • Making changes -> changes the outcome

When you extrapolate this out over time, it’s inevitable that your life will change for the better.

It also shows how not taking ownership ensures that your life will never change:

  • If you don’t take ownership -> you blame others & give them control
  • You have no have control -> you are a victim and can’t change
  • Can’t make changes now -> so the outcome won’t change

Reading “Extreme Ownership” from Jocko Willink instilled this perspective in me.

I saw how the victim mentality nearly ruined his military career.

A mission went sideways and Jocko was leading it. His subordinates didn’t follow orders, made mistakes, and now his head was on the chopping block.

He had to brief his boss on what happened. He was going to blame all who let him down. Pick out the culprits who cost him the mission. But this is where he had his epiphany.

I’m the leader, so I’m the one in charge. The buck stops with me.

Any fault of theirs is a fault of mine.
It’s a lack of leadership skills on my part.
I need to take ownership of this.

Instead of going in with his original victim mentality plan of blaming his team, he went in with:

  • Humility
  • An analysis of his shortcomings as a leader
  • A plan to rectify this and become better

To his surprise, he wasn’t fired.

Taking ownership didn’t just keep Jocko his job, but this new attitude enabled him to climb the ranks and become a decorated Navy Seal Veteran. Comanding Task Unit Bruiser, the most highly decorated special operations unit of the Iraq war.

Why should you care about war?

As Jocko says: war is just life amplified & intensified.

The life lessons we can skip over in life, can’t be avoided in war. You have to face them.

Jocko taught me that you are the leader of your own life, whether you like it or not. You are responsible for where you are in life. Always. 

Nobody is coming to save you, it’s down to you. Same in war, same for us civilians.

Taking extreme ownership of your life is the first point of changing it.

You are where you are now because of you and nobody else. Because of the decisions you have made up to now.

This can be one of the most painful things to hear and accept, but on the other side is the most liberating feeling you will experience.

If you take ownership of your past, you take ownership of your future.

Now you can start making new decisions.

Now you can start to become the hero of your own life.

3) Become the Hero

“When you find yourself in a room surrounded by your enemies, you should tell yourself, ‘I am not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me!’. This is the kind of mindset you should have if you want to succeed in life. Get rid of that victim mentality” – Bruce Lee

There are 3 archetypes we play out in life.

The victim, the villain, & the hero.

We start as the helpless victim.
Graduating to the villain.
Then if we mature enough, we become the hero.

I’ve been through all stages.

I lived the victim mentality life. Giving up on my hopes and dreams. On myself. On who I knew I could be.

I’ve took ownership and became the villain. A fuck the world mentality and putting myself above everything for the first time in my life.

A chip on my shoulder, fueled by suppressed anger & pain.

And I’ve come full circle to becoming the hero I always wanted to be.

Not settling & living true to myself. Being the change I want to see in the world.

Small gaining my way towards my potential, and inspiring & educating others to do the same.

You are in one of these 3 stages now.

Are you going to retreat or rise?

Retreat or Rise

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me” – Batman

Realise all the possibilities in front of you with the right attitude.

Whether you are the victim, villain or hero is a choice, not a predetermined destiny.

You are choosing to be where you are.
(consciously or subconsciously)

Even if you think and talk like the hero, but are still playing the victim or villain.

I lived that batman quote through telling people I would chase my soccer dream but did nothing about it. And you are probably doing the same in your own way.

Becoming aware of this dynamic gives you the opportunity to make a change for the better.

You CHOOSE to be the hero. 

I used to always look at movie characters for inspiration. Ancient legends, modern warriors.

Who do I look at now too? Me.

I inspire myself. And that’s where you want to get too. That’s when you know you have becme the hero of your own life.

Some will hate, some will be inspired. But you know the real reward and when you are being the hero:

When you are proud of yourself.
When you have gained your own self-respect.
When you inspire the f**k out of younger you.

Seeing the impact not settling & living true to myself has to inspire others lights me up like nothing else.

I’ve been in many tides that have lifted me and still am.

My aim is to be the tide that lifts you.

If you cultivate the don’t settle attitude, you can become the hero of your own life in time.

I’ll believe in you until you can believe in yourself.

Don’t Settle,

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1) Physical Freedom Program:

  • My 1:1 coaching program on how to overcome chronic pain & injury, and reach your athletic potential
  • I have worked with 100s of clients, across 37 different sports/activities, over 3 separate continents. Covering injuries to all joints in the human body
  • Join those not settling for their movement limitations here

2) Mental Freedom Course

  • My self-awareness course that teaches you how to stop looping & suffering, and skillfully navigate your own mind
  • Most people are a slave to their subconscious, constantly playing out the same undesirable patterns in their life
  • Here you will understand why you are the way you are, and how to break free to become who you always wanted to be

3) Lifestyle Design University

  • From must €49, you can have the blueprint to design the life true to yourself
  • You will learn how to create a vision, how to use my self-development system, and how to move the levers to freedom which close the gap towards the life you want
  • Now you will avoid the biggest regret of humanity in the process: “not living a life true to myself, living the life others expected of me”

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You don't get what you deserve.

You get what you settle for.

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