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Your Beliefs Create Your Reality


I used to believe that nobody really understood me.

I would see it in all my interactions with people.

Some would get me more than others. But nobody REALLY understood me.

From my mam, to friends, to romantic partners.

It can cut you off from people. Make you disconnect from them.

You can feel like what’s the point of trying to explain yourself anymore?

You can go from:

  • annoyed
  • pissed off
  • resentful

……to apathy, and just not caring anymore.

Unless you get triggered of course!!

And then you pop back into frustration & being annoyed.

I use this example as I know a lot of you will resonate with this.

And it’s a newsletter you need to read.

Not Understanding How Beliefs Work

Barely anyone understands how beliefs work on a deep level.

And this is the problem.

This is why your subconscious runs your life.

You THINK you are in control. But you have as much control as a dog on a leash.

You believe many things under the surface, that hold you back from the experiences you want in this life.

The ‘freedom’ you think you have is an illusion.

Think of it like the Big Brother house:

    • The contestants can only live under the constraints of the Big Brother house rules
    • You can only operate under the constraints of your base of beliefs

You have as much freedom in life, as the contestants in the Big Brother house.

Only perceiving reality through the constraints of your current beliefs

And most people have no clue of this (including the younger me). So it will never change.

Until you learn how beliefs work and see the bigger picture.

That’s what I will give you by the end of this article.

The Veil of the Mind

“We think that we are thinking, but so often we are just remembering”

When we think we are working through a situation logically, we are usually just playing back old internal narratives on a loop.

Narratives that have been programmed into us from our childhood up to current times.

We can look at things closely, but we only see what we EXPECT to see.

We only see the data that confirms our current beliefs.

And when you don’t work on gaining Mental Freedom through deep self-awareness.

These beliefs will remain subconscious and behind the veil of your mind forever.

The puppeteer running the show that is your life.

This ensures that you keep looping instead of learning.

And never overcome the obstacles in your life that plague you.

From personal, to professional, to physical. EVERYTHING.

Why is this the case? Because:

Our beliefs are the filters through which energy flows for us.

The energy will only come through your CURRENT filter. Your current beliefs.

Look all you want, but without addressing the base of your beliefs, you will still see the same thing.

For example this is why:

  • You think people don’t understand you (no matter what they do)
  • You think people are always focused on you so you get anxious (no matter what other people are actually doing or thinking)
  • You think you can’t find a partner (no matter how many people you meet)
  • You think you can’t overcome X (no matter how many things you try to do)

It’s why you think:

  • People think you are rude (it’s because part of you BELIEVES that you were rude)
  • People think you are arrogant (it’s because part of you BELIEVES that you are arrogant)
  • People think you are not good enough (it’s because part of you BELIEVES that you are not good enough)

The truth is:

Everything you think others are thinking, is just a reflection of your own beliefs about yourself.

How you keep seeing, thinking, & feeling the same in certain situations.

It’s not by random chance. Start to become aware of these patterns.

These beliefs are deep down in your subconscious.

You have repressed them, so you are not aware of them. But this is when they can run riot.

And you will constantly see them in all your interactions.

You will convince yourself it’s not true reading this now.

This is more delusion. I’ve been there, done that.

But we know it’s the truth behind the veil that we avoid.

You don’t want to look back there. As you are afraid you’ll see a version of yourself that you don’t like.

This is the process you need to take though. It’s the only way out.

Keeping these beliefs behind the veil means they will run your life forever.

But if you journey behind the veil to excavate these deep-rooted beliefs, you can change your life.

You can bring these deep-rooted beliefs to the surface.

Once they are brought into your conscious awareness, you can dismantle these beliefs. Which are the root cause of your negative experience of life.

Your Beliefs are the Filters Through Which Energy Flows To You

Let’s dive into an important part of how beliefs work.

There are many aspects to beliefs and how they operate, but this is a key concept you need to know to grasp the overall picture.

1) Your Beliefs are the Filters Through Which Energy Flows For You

A filter is designed to remove some elements, while allowing other elements through.

A coffee filter:

  • Removes the coffee grounds
  • While allowing the liquid coffee to flow through

A water filter in a swimming pool:

  • Removes chemicals, heavy metals & bacteria from the pool
  • While allowing the water to flow through

A filter on an Instagram picture:

  • Removes any ‘imperfections’ that the person doesn’t want
  • While allowing them to look the way they desire

It’s the same with your beliefs.

Your beliefs are the ‘filters’ that:

  • Removes any data that conflicts with your current beliefs
  • While allowing the data that confirms your current beliefs to flow through

This is why you are 1000% CERTAIN of your beliefs at the time.

Because it’s literally all you can subjectively see.

You have filters on right now that only allow certain energy & information into your life.

Like a personal pair of ‘belief’ sunglasses.

Becoming aware of this is the first step.

2) You Only Focus on Data That Confirms Your Beliefs

The best analogy here is that of a coal miner.

They are in pitch darkness down in the mines. They can’t see a thing.

Darkness we humans in the modern world rarely ever experience.

This is why they have headlights on their helmets.

Because of this darkness, they only see a tiny percentage of the data around them.

They literally only see what’s right in front of them, as their headlight shines in the direction they face.

Everything else is covered in darkness.

They only see about 1% of what’s down there at any one time.

And this is how it is with your beliefs.

We only see the same 1% of data that confirms our beliefs.

For example, if a coal miner was dropped into a new mine for the first time

And he is asked “how many rocks are down there?”

He could look forward and say “Just one”
(as his headlight shines on the rock in front of him, while the other rocks are covered in darkness).

He could absolutely BELIEVE this to be true with all his heart and soul……..

But we know this isn’t the truth. He is deluded, and he doesn’t even know it.

And this is how we are with our beliefs.

There are hundreds/thousands of other pieces of data around us, that would suggest a different reality than the one we have convinced ourselves to believe is 100% the truth.

A wise coal miner would answer:

“I just CURRENTLY see one rock in front of me. But I’m aware there are probably countless other rocks here too. I will explore them before making a decision”

Just like a wise self-aware person would have a similar approach:

“I CURRENTLY feel like nobody understands me. But I’m aware that this is a deep-rooted belief, which means I will only see data to confirm this. I will explore all the other data around me that might show me that people DO understand me, before I make a decision on what I believe to be true”.

Most people in life go around believing in their heart and soul that they can’t change.

That’s all it is: a belief. It’s not the truth.

But it will become their reality if they continue to believe it.

“The chains of habit are too light to be felt, until they are too heavy to be broken”

That quote popped into my head as it’s relevant here.

We think we are in control of our life and our actions., but we are locked in the chains of our current beliefs.

You won’t rise to your aspirations. You will fall to the level your beliefs allow.

3) Open Yourself to the New Possibilities Around You 

Stop looking through the keyhole of your current beliefs.

We can train ourselves how to do this proactively through a process.

Or we can be forced to do it reactively when shit hits the fan in our lives.

It’s usually when a belief fails us, that we can finally let go of the grip it has on us.

The pain can drive us to look for other data out there. Data that opposes our current beliefs.

And this can shatter them over time. It can dismantle old beliefs that weren’t serving you any longer.

For example, a person that believednthey could never lose weight. It could take them 5 years to proactively believe they can lose the weight.

Or they can wait 20 years until their life is absolutely miserable (aka until their beliefs fail them), before they start looking for data that makes them believe it can be done.

Whether this happens proactively or reactively, they bring you to the same path:

Opening your mind to new possibilities and data that will bring you a new reality. 

Another example: when someone doesn’t text you back for a day and you instantly think:

  • They don’t like me
  • They are ignoring me

etc etc etc.

You are just hyper-focusing on data that ‘proves’ your ‘current beliefs’ around you not being ‘likeable’ or ‘worthy’.

While you ignore all the other data that could suggest otherwise.

Think about it: Have YOU ever left a text unanswered for a day???

Yeah? Ok cool, and why was that?

Because you:

  • had a family situation
  • were busy with work
  • were out and your phone died and then you forgot
  • were in a bad mood/not up for talking

etc etc etc.

Ok cool, so why couldn’t this be a possibility for the person who didn’t text you back?

Now you go hmmmm, maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But I guess it could be. 

And to continue with the miner analogy, you are now starting to turn on an overhead light down there.

You can see more of the available data around you. Rather than hyper-focusing on one specific data point with your headlamp.

When you become more self-aware over time, you will start to realise how the data you hyperfocus on, confirms your current beliefs.

And your emotions stem from these beliefs too. Which is a separate topic in itself.

You can read more about that here.

The emotions are the start of the breadcrumb trail.

That trail that leads you to the base of beliefs operating deep in your subconscious.

It all starts to make sense once you know how to navigate this process.

Don’t Live In Fear

We have all been hurt in life.

And we usually develop beliefs to protect ourselves from being hurt again.

This makes sense as a protective mechanism, but it will massively hold you back from gaining Mental Freedom and becoming the person you want to be in this one life you have.

Don’t live in fear.

Ships are safe in the harbour, but that’s not what they are built for.

They are built for VOYAGES. For ADVENTURES.

You may worry that you aren’t the best sailor. That the ship might sink again.

When in fact it’s the stormiest seas that make the most skilled sailors.

Most people go through life like a dog that got hit by a car.

Thinking every single time you come near the road again, that you will be mauled by a jeep.

So you sit inside forever and never cross the road ever again.

Does that sound like a good way to live your life? Nope, but this is what the majority of people do.

They live a life ruled by fear. 

On the fast lane towards being on their deathbed filled with regret.

The harsh truth is you can die with regrets or live with courage.

Your choice as always.

Life is Full of Infinite Possibilities

In every single situation you are in, there are hundreds/thousands of choices you could make.

You see less than 1% of the possibilities. And each one branches off in numerous ways too.

But if you don’t understand how beliefs work, you will only see the same narrow view of choices for every situation in life.

The same ones you keep making on a loop through the keyhole of your current beliefs.

The ones that keep creating the undesirable outcomes in your life that you don’t want.

The outcomes you ‘believe’ you have no power to change.

But once you break free from the chains of your current beliefs, you can open yourself up to the infinite possibilities you have in this life.

And start making new choices that will lead to new outcomes.

You can live a life which is:

  • Empowering over disempowering
  • Potential over powerless
  • Excited over empty

I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum. I’ve felt empty, powerless & disempowered.

But it was only through sailing the stormy seas of emotional introspection that I BECAME the skilled sailor over time.

It doesn’t happen by chance. You won’t read this and automatically know what to do.

It requires training. Just like a gym program.

This is why I have the Mental Freedom Course.

It’s the blueprint & training process that guides you through each step of the way.

When you get to this level of Mental Freedom through deep self-awareness, it’s the most empowering thing you can experience. Your life will never be the same again.

And this is what I want for you.

Don’t Settle,

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